Friday, June 29, 2012


Hi, people of Earth! I am a magical unicorn from outerspace set on making your planet filled with unicorns excreting rainbows!

Just kidding. I'm not (very) insane.

I doubt anyone will ever be reading this. The point of this blog is so I can compile all of my writing advice and remind me that I am epical. But, in case someone other than myself is reading this, cool. That's epic!

My name is Reine. Pronounced rainy as in rainy day. Yes, I am an American through and through. It's a 'family name'. A maiden name of my great grandmother. I am thirteen going on fourteen (In one month). And I've been writing since I was eight. Now, I may not be good at math, but heck, I've  been writing for five years. Almost six.

Am I published? No. Will I be published? Yes.


What do I write? Fantasy. No romance or chick lit. Sure, I am throwing in a romantic subplot in my novel, but I cannot stand romance as the main plot. I couldn't even get through Twilight.

Currently, my project sits at 70,000 words. I finally broke through a month's bout of writer's block. Ah, the horror.

That's not the horror to my mother, at least. It's the horror that her teenage daughter wants to stay in the house all summer. And doesn't even have a Facebook. Or text often. Name one other parent who actually tells her middle school daughter to get on social networking and text more. That's me, Reine the Recluse.

If you want to the first 80ish pages of my novel, check out this linkie: If you don't have an account, a critique would be greatly appreciated and expected, if you want to live past the eleventh hour. MUAHAHAHAHA!

I'll be posting writing advice and such. Why should you listen to me? You don't. I'm a nobody. But, sometimes you want to pull out your hair and run up to the highest floor in the Empire State Building and throw your laptop out a window, and watch it smash against the head of a poor, unfortunate soul below.
After you do that, though, you probably want to make a run for it- to get a new laptop and before you get charged with murder.

Happy writing!


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